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Filtering the games list

How do I filter the games list by certain criteria?

Enhance your game search with filters by selecting the filter icon, which reveals various criteria to tailor the game list to your preferences.

Select your filter preferences:

  • Participation (Joined, Invited, Other public games)
  • Type of game (Any type, Round, Rollup)
  • Created by (Anyone, Me, Others)
  • Player category (Mixed, Juniors, Men, Ladies)
  • Game status (Open, Full, In Progress)
  • When (Upcoming games, Today, Tomorrow, This week, This weekend, Next week, Next weekend)
  • Game length (6 holes, 9 holes, 12 holes, 18 holes)
  • Scoring format (Any format, Casual, Strokeplay, Matchplay, Stableford)
  • Team format (Greensomes, Foresomes, Better ball)
  • Privacy (All games, Private, Public)
  • Game Admin (Anyone, Me, Others)

When filters are applied, the Show button updates to show potential results. Selecting it displays the filtered games in the list.

Press Reset Filters to clear selections.

The cross X exits the filter menu without applying changes.

A green badge on the filter button shows the count of applied filters.

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