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Inviting new group members

How do I add new members to my group?

A Group Admin can invite new members to their group by following these steps:

Invite via sharing menu

  1. Navigate to the Profile section and select the relevant group from the My groups list.
  1. From the Group profile view, select the invite member button, located at the bottom right. This action will trigger your device's standard sharing options.
  1. Through the sharing menu, you can send an invitation via email, text message, WhatsApp, or any other communication tool you prefer. Additionally, there is an option to copy the invitation text for use in any tailored messages you wish to send out.
    1. Each invitation includes the following information:

      • The name of your group
      • A link to download the app from the App Store 🍏
      • A link to download the app from the Google Play store 🤖
      • A unique group access code

      After downloading the Quick9 app, invitees can enter the provided group access code to easily join your group.

Invite by copying group access code

A different method for inviting new group members is for a Group Admin to copy the group code from the Group profile view and share it through your preferred means. It's essential to note that this approach only shares the group code, it does not also provide download links to the app. Therefore, it's most suitable when the recipient has already downloaded Quick9.

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