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Qualifying games

What games will count towards leagues?

What games qualify for leagues?

Only a player’s qualifying games can count towards a league.

A game will qualify for a league if:

  • It had two or more joined players (games with one joiner will not count).
  • The game took place within the league window.
  • If the league is for a specific course, the game took place at the relevant club location and/or course.
  • The game length matches the specified game length for the league (e.g., 9 holes or 18 holes).
  • The submitted score matches the format specified for the league (e.g., strokeplay or stableford).
  • The game privacy matches the privacy setting of the league (e.g., only public games will count for a league that accepts public games only, whereas private games will only count if the league settings accept both public and private games).
  • It took place after the player joined the league (Quick9 does not allow games to count retrospectively). This also applies where a player withdraws from a league and subsequently rejoins - their previous games and scores will not count and they will start fresh.


❌ EXAMPLE 1 - Not a qualifying game

  • George has joined the “Spring League” which is an 18 hole strokeplay league being played between 1 March and 31 May at Edenbrook Golf Club. It accepts public games only.
  • George plays a game on the 20 March at Edenbrook Golf Club with three other people (all of whom joined the game in the app). The game is an 18 hole, private, strokeplay game. George logs a net strokeplay score of 82.
  • George’s score will not count towards the league as the game was a private game and the league accepts public games only.

❌ EXAMPLE 2 - Not a qualifying game

  • Rachel has joined the “Ladies Summer League” which is an 18 hole stableford league being played between 1 June and 31 August at Edenbrook Golf Club. It accepts public and private games.
  • Rachel plays a game on the 12 July at Edenbrook Golf Club on her own (the other player she was due to play with dropped out). The game is an 18 hole, private, casual game. Rachel logs a stableford score of 36.
  • Rachel’s score will not count towards the league as she was the only joiner and leagues require scores to be submitted from games where there was two or more joined players.

❌ EXAMPLE 3 - Not a qualifying game

  • Bill has joined the “Seniors League” which is an 18 hole stableford league being played between 1 April and 31 May at Edenbrook Golf Club. It accepts public and private games.
  • Bill plays a game on the 20 April at Hartland Golf Club with three other people (all of whom joined the game in the app). The game is an 18 hole, public, stableford game. George logs a stableford score of 39.
  • Bill’s score will not count towards the league as the game took place at Hartland Golf Club, not Edenbrook Golf Club.

✅ EXAMPLE 4 - Qualifying game

  • Mike has joined the “Race to Wentwoth League” which is an 18 hole stableford league being played between 1 May and 31 July. It accepts public and private games.
  • Mike plays a game on the 24 May with two other people (all of whom joined the game in the app). The game is an 18 hole, private, stableford game. George logs a stableford score of 41.
  • George’s score will count towards the league as the game meets all the qualifying criteria.
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